If you are having difficulties logging in, please click the 'Forgot your Password' button to reset it. If you are still having trouble, please contact the technical support team via the blue chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of the Platform.

To watch the OnDemand content, you will need to be logged into the Platform and hold a confirmed registration. To check your registration, please click your initials in the top right hand corner and click 'My Registration'. If you did not attend the conference, you can purchase a registration to view the content.
Once you have a confirmed registration, you can view the content.
To do this, please click 'Program' on the left hand side, and then click 'Interactive Program & PDF Program' or 'Watch OnDemand Content' to start to explore the content available to you.
If you click 'Interactive Program & PDF Program', you will then be brought to another page, where you choose from the options. On this page, you will need to click 'Click Here To View The Interactive Program' to view the conference program.
This program is sorted by date and time as to when it was shown at the conference. To view the presentations, please click the down arrows under the sessions to see the presentations available.
If you are wanting to view a presentation, please click the 'Watch' icon on the right of the presentation title, next to 'Notes'.
If you click ' Watch OnDemand Content', this will bring you to another page, where you can choose from the options on the page. Once you have made your choice, you will then be directed to another page where you can then choose your presentations.
It is recommended to watch the recordings on a laptop or computer device for the best viewing experience, however you are able to access the content via the conference app. The video will continue playing even when phone is locked and can also facilitate PIPs (picture in picture) viewing on Apple devices. Unfortunately PIP viewing is not supported on Android devices.
If you are wanting to search for something related to the whole conference you can enter this into the search bar located at the top of menu panel.
If you are wanting to search for something in the program you will see a red tab on the left hand side that says Filter & Search. Here you will be able to filter keywords mentioned in the program as well as conference themes.
If you want to search for who is attending 230PCC, on the top menu bar there is an option called Participants
where you will be able to book a meeting or privately message them.

To ensure you are making the most of your time at the conference and connecting with other participants, we suggest you update your profile with your correct information. To update your profile, click your initials in the top right corner of the Platform, and click 'Edit Profile' which will bring to your profile edit page. In this page, you could update your bio, company, job title and other key information.